PHONE: 513-412-3483
FAX: 513-412-3482
We've all been there... You have a client with a tax question that you could not answer. The combination of reduced credit availability and economic downturn has left many of your business clients scrambling to assess their options and their tax impact on a variety of issues. You could spend valuable time researching the answer and maybe get the right answer or refer the client to another full-service firm, never to return. Is there a better way to Cover Miles in Minutes® with a Board Certified Tax Advisor dedicated to helping you build your practice in these difficult times? Do you need expertise in the following matters?
Whether your client is an S Corporation, a C Corporation or a Limited Liability Company (or a mixture of the above), the resolution of these particular issues involves complex tax issues.
Is the current status of the entity right for your client now or in the future? Can this be changed without the loss of tax benefits
Many times the resolution may result in ordinary income, capital gains, tax-deferred income, excluded income or even deductions. The owners may owe tax now or in the future or not at all. Can the capital losses or net operating losses be recouped or are they lost forever? Certain taxes, such as payroll taxes and sales taxes attached personally to the owners of the enterprise, should be paid at all costs.
In bankruptcy, where the debtor's debt is cancelled, there are a number of tax issues that must be dealt with, such as:
Partnership with Robison Tax Law means providing your clients with timely expert tax advice to best meet their tax needs. We stay up-to-date so you don't have to. How can you get started? Contact us at 513.412.3483 or email us at steve@Robisontaxlaw.com.